MonBUG 2nd year launch symposium
– Thursday September 3rd, 2009
In order to start it’s activities on the right foot, MonBUG has decided the first activity of it’s second season would be a one-day symposium featuring invited and local speakers as well as student speakers selected on the basis of the quality of their presented posters
Here is the current schedule for the meeting:
8h00-8h30 | Set-up posters] |
8h30-8h45 | Welcome Tarik Möröy President and Scientific Director Institut de recherches cliniques de Montréal (IRCM) |
8h45-9h00 | Opening words Ken Dewar Acting Scientific Director McGill University and Génome Québec Innovation Centre |
Keynote I |
9h00-10h00 |
Fulfilling the Promise of a Sequenced Human Genome Eric Green Director, NIH Intramural Sequencing Center |
10h00-10h30 | Coffee break |
Session IChair: Mathieu Blanchette |
10h30-11h00 |
Discovering INDEL and Copy Number Genomic Variation from Paired Reads Michael Brudno University of Toronto |
11h00-11h30 |
Genome-wide Discovery of Trancript Isoform Variants Jacek Majewski McGill University |
11h30-12h00 |
The Mammalian Early Development: Comparing Apples and Oranges Claude Robert Université Laval |
12h00-12h15 |
Sequence and Structural Variation in a Human Genome Heather Peckham ABI sponsored scientific presentation |
12h15-12h30 |
GPU Computing Implementation of a Quaternary Tree for Fast Identification of Genes and Genomes in High Throughput Sequence Analysis Fouad Boumezbeur Sciences de la vie — Université PARIS VII |
Poster Session I |
12h30-14h00 | Lunch and concurrent poster session |
Session IIChair: Raphaël Gottardo |
14h00-14h30 |
Modeling Structural Ensembles of Transmembrane Proteins Jérome Waldispühl Massachusetts Institute of Technology |
14h30-15h00 |
Proteomics and Lipidomics Studies of the Brain Daniel Figeys University of Ottawa |
15h00-15h30 |
Informatics of Cinematics; Quantifying Mitosis in Living Cells Paul Maddox IRIC / Université de Montréal |
15h30-15h45 |
Using Next-Generation Genome Sequencing Technologies to Examine Genome Change and Virulence in Malaria Parasites Martine M. Zilversmit CHU Ste-Justine — Université de Montréal |
15h45-16h15 | Coffee break |
Keynote II |
16h15-17h15 |
Discovering Genomic Variation in Cancer Genomes Elaine Mardis Co-Director, WUSTL Genome Sequencing Center |
17h15-17h30 | Closing comments Speaker: to be announced |
Poster Session II |
17h30-… | Wine and cheese and concurrent poster session |
18h30-19h00 | Take down posters |
Proud symposium sponsors: